Hajj: the greatest annual gathering of humanity

This year’s Hajj pilgrimage commenced on Sunday, with close on 3 million Muslims travelling to Makkah and surrounds for what is the world’s biggest annual gathering of humanity.

Here are some visuals covering the Hajj so far. All visuals are from social media.


Monday (Day 2) marked the day of Arafah – the peak of the Hajj. Here are some videos to give you a sense of it:


Visuals from the morning:


Shaykh Hamza Yusuf explains a little more about Hajj:


Later visuals from the Day of Arafah (20th August) and that night, when the pilgrims moved to the next stop of Muzdalifah.


Day 3 (21st August) marks Eid:

And you can watch live coverage of the Hajj here (courtesy of South Africa’s ITV):

6 thoughts on “Hajj: the greatest annual gathering of humanity

    • It is – so there’s a whole government ministry dedicated to that. The people of that region have been hosting the Hajj for many hundreds of years – and indeed the Hajj itself has been around way longer (since the time of Prophet Abraham), so it’s been a progression in logistical advancements. The newer integration of technology seems quite promising – but that’s still filtering through.

  1. I can only imagine all the emotions the Hujaaj must be feeling! I’ve never been, or even on Umrah, but would love to be able to experience the journey as well. A journey that where the rich rubs shoulders with the poor, where you find yourself swapping your king sized bed for a mattress on the floor inside a tent. How Allah shows people the path to being humble!! 🙂

  2. Maasha Allah. It has always been my dream to perform hajj. But anyway, In sha Allah one day.
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