Hajj: a visual journey through humanity’s greatest annual gathering

For the benefit of those who have followed this blog within the last year, who are not familiar with the Islamic pilgrimage (Hajj), I’m re-publishing a post I did last year – which tells the visual tale of this immense journey that millions embark upon each year.

This year’s Hajj began today (Friday 9th August 2019), and will peak tomorrow the continue for a few days thereafter.

It’s the world’s biggest annual gathering of humanity, with close on 3 million Muslims – from all parts of the world – gathering in Makkah to fulfill this once-in-a-lifetime religious journey.

All visuals were collected from social media last year – so I don’t have specific credit for each item.


Day 2 marks the day of Arafah – the peak of the Hajj. Here are some videos to give you a sense of it:


Visuals from the morning last year:


Shaykh Hamza Yusuf explains a little more about Hajj:


Later visuals from the Day of Arafah and that night, when the pilgrims moved to the next stop of Muzdalifah.


Day 3 marks Eid – though it’s a very different experience for pilgrims as compared to Eid back home:

And you can watch live coverage of the Hajj courtesy of several English-language Islamic TV stations:


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