Winter is…

Howling winds and bare trees
hanging on for dear life;
umbrellas useless
as sheets of water
stream across skies dull and grey,
pregnant with the promise of more moisture to come;
Mercy from above bucketing down
in the heart of the season of abundance.

Impromptu rivers
gushing in pathways and gutters,
aside seas of carpeted green lawns;
Land once dead,
now revived
by the life-giving water
sent by He who brings life from death,
and conversely,
death from life.

The pitter patter of raindrops
on windows shielding us from the elements;
An opportunity to sit in silent wonder,
seeing the world outside through a single drop,
staring intensely
as focus returns constantly
to this tiny creation –
a means of clearing the mind
and reviving the heart.

Days indoors,
socks on the heater,
getting toasty for grateful feet.

Snuggling under the covers,
hot drinks in hand,
immersed in books
or movies,
eating snacks;
Putting on pounds
to insulate against the season’s biting cold.

Sleeping cats
wrapped within warm blankets,
fur no longer sufficient to warm little bodies,
who otherwise would be out hunting or playing.

Venturing out
when it’s all clear;
Seeing the droplets of water
adorning each branch like precious, pure fingertips,
marvelling at how such a powerful downpour
can produce such delicate results.

Winter Sun on your face,
a natural juxtaposition:
bitter cold
broken by rays of smiling warmth
from the same sky
that cried out its icy burden
just hours ago.

The serendipity of a rainbow
painting the sky,
as radiant colours hover
within a canvas of blue, grey, and white;
a glorious reminder
of beauty that lies beyond the storm.

Short days
and long nights;
sleeping late
but still getting enough rest
before the Sun’s arrival
marks the start of another day’s responsibilities.

So much to appreciate.
So much to ponder.

Complain not
of gloomy weather
nor constraint within the home;
but instead,
give thanks
for blessing upon blessing,
showered onto you,
in plain sight,
until days warm and free arrive.

Winter is…
a time of gratitude and awe…
My favourite season of all.


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