14 thoughts on “Where in the world?

  1. Pingback: Where in the World??? – Round 2 « To My Pen, Forgive Me For Typing…

  2. This is hard, there’s no clues in the pic!
    Um there’s mountains.. green grass, some trees… somewhere in Canada? In BC? ๐Ÿ˜€
    Or am I totally off and is it somewhere in South Africa?

  3. I love the fact that you guys have no idea where this is ๐Ÿ™‚

    If you’ve been to this place, you’ll know – it’s unmistakable.

    I won’t give a clue as to what part of the world it’s in, but I will say the shot was taken from a place of higher learning.

    There may be clues later in the week….

  4. OK…I’m not giving the answer yet – but the second clue is:

    The man in the statue is the founder of the diamond company ‘De Beers.’

    (By the way, I’ve altered the wording on the first clue)

  5. And the answer is: the shot is the southern suburbs of Cape Town (South Africa); and it was taken from the University of Cape Town.

    (The man in the statue is Cecil John Rhodes – who donated the land for the campus).

    Azra was correct in giving the exact location; but Closetblogger was the first to get it (more vaguely, though).

    Stay tuned for the next and final round, on Monday, insha-Allah

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